7 Ways I'm Preparing for my Fifth Whole30

*I’m planning to keep it simple.  - Meat and vegetables are all a part of the plan, so I’m planning to keep it simple with meals of mostly meat and vegetables.  Most days will consist of eggs, bacon, and arugula for breakfast, chicken and vegetables for lunch, steak or salmon and vegetables for dinner.  I’m not planning to use a bunch of complicated recipes.  Most meals will be simple and quick to prepare.

*I found a few new recipes I want to try. -  I just set I’ll keep it simple right. LOL. While I love keeping it simple, I also know that I enjoy more complex meals on the weekend.  Sunday brunch is an event at my place.  So, I’ve planned to use some recipes for the weekend.  Gathering these recipes now saves me time and stops the potential frustration of finding recipes I want to try during the month and noticing they have some ingredients that are not Whole30 compliant.

*I reorganized my pantry.  -  I put the foods that are compliant all on one shelf.  That way, I know where to quickly grab what I need. I can’t accidentally use a seasoning blend with sugar in it or reach for a square of dark chocolate out of habit.

*I took note of everything I ate in the past week that isn’t “Whole30 approved”  -  I realized that the biggest change will be no alcohol and no cheese.  I’ve mentally prepared myself to not have those things this month.

*I “drank the Koolaid”-- I don’t have anything against legumes.  I don’t actually think most legumes affect me negatively in any way when properly prepared.  However- I’m not eating legumes or anything else on the “no” list January 3-February 2.  I’ve decided, and that’s that. I am all in.

*I have work food ready to go.  - I’m preparing a week of lunches in advance, and I’m packing a bit more food than I think I’ll need. I’m not typically a big snacker, but I recognize that when I make changes to what I’m eating, my appetite tends to also change.  Whole30 is meant to be three meals a day with no snacks, but if I am hungry, I will eat. So, I’m armed with canned sardines and almond butter packets just in case. I’ll put some raw veggies in my work fridge too.

*I told other people.  -  External accountability is not a big deal for me.  It is for most people, but just telling someone else that I’m going to do something does not make me do it. I couldn’t care less if I disappoint someone else. Harsh but true. My success hinges on whether or not I have personally decided to commit to something that I consider important.  The reason it was important for me to tell people about these 30 days is to avoid conflict. We don’t owe any other person an explanation for what we are and are not putting in our bodies, however if doing a Whole30 means you change something in your routine, like you don’t eat the Friday donuts your colleague always brings you or you intend to change your family’s every Tuesday Taco night to a taco bowl without rice, let them know in advance. It will save you so much headache.